quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2024

Globalization and its impacts

Hi webgeographers! How are you? Today we are going to talk about a subject that you have asked about a lot in the comments: globalization and its impacts. Globalization is the increasing integration between countries, resulting in greater interdependence and connectivity between people and nations, driven by advances in communication and plays a significant role in everyday life. Many question the efficiency of globalization, with varying opinions about its impact on the development of society, but let's clarify. Among the benefits of globalization we can mention access to a variety of products and services, economic growth, cultural exchange and technological advances. Globalization can homogenize culture, harm the environment due to global trade and large-scale production, and accentuate economic inequality between developed and developing countries. Globalization does not directly "destroy", but it can negatively impact local culture, the environment, local jobs and economic inequality. "[...] Where the rich get richer And the poor get poorer and poorer [...]" - excerpt from the song Xibom Bombom, by As Meninas

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