quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2024

What Globalization Really Destroys

**What Globalization Really Destroys** My name is Davi Sampaio, I'm 14 years old and I'm going to talk about what globalization destroys. Globalization, often hailed for its ability to connect the world, brings with it side effects that are often underestimated. In essence, it promotes economic, cultural and political interdependence, but not without costs. Firstly, cultural homogenization is one of the most notable consequences, diluting local and traditional identities in favor of uniform consumption. This not only threatens minority cultures, but also impoverishes global diversity. Economically, although globalization can raise the standard of living in certain regions, it can also result in the destruction of local economies. Small businesses and traditional industries are often unable to compete with multinational giants, resulting in rising unemployment and the loss of local business practices. Furthermore, globalization intensifies environmental degradation. The intensive exploitation of natural resources, aiming to meet global demand, accelerates the loss of biodiversity, pollution and climate change. This not only harms the natural environment, but also the communities that depend on these ecosystems for survival. In short, globalization, despite its advantages, has a dark side that destroys cultures, local economies and the environment. It is crucial to recognize and address these issues to ensure that globalization benefits everyone, not just a global elite.

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